

So things are going well here!  I got to go see Justin in Tampa last weekend, and that was the highlight of my.. long time. Ha.

I'm FINALLY getting into my design-groove [i.e. the designers happy place, required to be able to create work of any significance] at the Design House, and it feels nice to have my own stuff out there.  Our project load is insane, but chaos is semi-comfortable for me...  I am a college student, afterall. 

I'll be going in at 4am to help install a big project... That will be bunches of fun. =)  Again, something I'm used to as a student...!

Anyway, here are some photographs of recent happenings....

Me and Molly during our Downtown Disney shopping excursion... In the Christmas store. =)

My design team during our visit with Cinderellaaaaaa today.

Aladdin came over last month.

Silly Arabian boy. His name isn't Briana.

p.s. Molly's gorgeous.

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