
Trick or Treat, CANDY...

Yeah, I know it's August.
But there are no fun holidays in August...
So I'm getting all kinds of excited about Halloween.
Especially the Magic Kingdom end, with Hallo-Wishes (my absolute favorite Fireworks display) and the Boo-to-You Parade... Which has the most amazing music of all time. All time.

Martha Stewarts gorgeous pumpkins get me pretty jazzed, too.

In other news: We are preparing for FAY (has anyone else had to suffer through once-a-day 'don't get blown away by fay!!' in the workplace???) and the Weather Channel is enough to scare the bejesus out of anyone...

Ciao for now and don't get blown away by Fay! (gag)

1 comment:

Justin Seabolt said...

You're killing me with all of this halloween stuff.